
Welcome to YMCA Child Care

Last updated on February 7, 2025

Welcome to YMCA of Greater Toronto Child Care. Each year thousands of families trust the YMCA to be a place where their children are safe and supported while they grow and develop to reach their full potential. The YMCA Mission, Vision, and Core Values are the driving principles that guide us to create environments that are welcoming, respectful, and provide positive experiences for children and their families.

The Parent Handbook outlines important information that will provide you with what you need to know while your child is in our care. We look forward to getting to know you and your child and to embarking on a partnership that supports you to be informed, consulted, and involved in your child’s YMCA child care program.

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Before & After School Programs


About us
program info

Program Statement

Our program statement describes how our programs support and foster early learning. It outlines our view of the child, our philosophy and curriculum as well as the goals and approaches used to ensure healthy child development. It also outlines how we evaluate our programs to maintain quality and how we support the professionals who work with children.

Our View of the Child
YMCA Curriculum
Our Statement on Play
Before & After School Programs

Curriculum Goals & Approaches

Promoting health, safety, nutrition & well-being
Supporting relationships
Encouraging children to interact, communicate, & self-regulate
Fostering exploration, play & inquiry
Providing child-initiated & adult-supported experiences
Planning learning environments to support every child’s learning which is inclusive of all children, including children with individualized plans
Incorporating indoor, outdoor, active, rest & quiet activities
Fostering engagement & communication with parents
Involving community partners
Supporting educators’ continuous professional learning

program info


YMCA Early Childhood Educators come with a wide background of education and experience. Our staff must go through a rigorous screening process that includes demonstrating their values and skills, providing a police reference check that is renewed every three years, and holding a valid Standard First Aid and Infant and Child CPR certification. Once selected, new YMCA staff participate in orientation and training on YMCA policies and procedures, Ministry of Education regulations, and YMCA curriculum.

Our Early Childhood Educators are trained to:

  • Communicate regularly to families about their child’s progress
  • Plan classroom activities based on their knowledge of early childhood development
  • Observe and document the progress of each individual child
  • Practise the YMCA’s high standards of child safety and protection

At the YMCA, we recognize the importance of continued professional learning and have developed extensive learning modules and resources. Through these, YMCA Early Childhood Educators deepen their understanding of child development, play and play partnerships, program planning, extending play and scaffolding of learning, supporting children’s self-regulation, effective communication, and providing positive learning environments.

College of Early Childhood Educators
Our Volunteers and Students on Educational Placement
Positive Behaviour
Prohibited Practices
Before & After School Programs

Families Our Partners

At the YMCA we understand that the most important people in a child’s life are their family members. YMCA Early Childhood Educators play a supporting role while parents go to work or school. Involving, consulting with, and informing family members about the YMCA program helps a child feel a greater sense of belonging.

Diversity, Equity, Social Inclusion and Belonging
Resolving Concerns and Issues
Safeguarding of Children and Youth
Escalation process for unresolved issues or concerns
Formal Complaint Process
Confidentiality/No Retaliation
Before & After School Programs

Child Care Programs

Days & Hours of Operation
Communication with Families
Infant (0–18 months) Ratio of Adults to Children - 1:3
Toddler (18 months–30 months) Ratio of Adults to Children - 1:5
Preschool (2 1/2 years–5 years) Ratio of Adults to Child - 1:8

Program Procedures

Sleep Supervision and Position Requirements
Hand and Respiratory Hygiene
Special Dietary and Feeding Arrangements
Life-Threatening Allergies (Anaphylaxis)
Reporting Absence
If Child Becomes Ill at Program
Travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days
Health and safety tips
Advil, Tylenol, Motrin (Pain Relievers, Fever Reducers, Anti-inflammatory Medications)
Incident/Accident Reporting
Emergency Response
Smoke Free
Outdoor Play
Field Trips and Community Walks
Extreme Weather
program info

Program Information

Program Closures
Unscheduled Program Closures
Safe Arrival and Dismissal
Authorized Drop-Off/Pick-up and Emergency Contacts
Late Pick-up
Space Limitations
Program Cancellations
program info

Registration Information

Child Care Fees
Child Care Payments
Refunds and Fee Credits
Part-Time Programs
Government Child Care Subsidy
Absence from Care
Registration Changes
Payment Changes
Withdrawal Notification
YMCA Financial Assistance
Withdrawal of YMCA Services
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