Child Care Forms & Resources
Parent Handbooks
Early Learning Parent Handbook (0-4)
Before & After School Parent Handbook (4-12)
Licensed Home Child Care Handbook (0-12)
Change Request Forms
Registration Change Request Form
Registration Change Request Form (for Licensed Home Child Care)
YMCA Discovery Books
YMCA Discovery Book: Age 0-6 years (PDF)
YMCA Discovery Book: Age 7-11 years (PDF)
YMCA Discovery Book: Age 12-15 years (PDF)
YMCA Child Care and Camp Payment Receipts
YMCA Child Care Inclement Weather Procedure
Guidelines for Bagged Lunches/Snacks
External Resources
Regional Subsidy Offices
Province of Ontario's EarlyON Program
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Supporting families through the pandemic
Many people, including essential workers, can't do their jobs from home. During the pandemic, over 500 children received free YMCA Emergency Child Care while their parents worked on the frontlines.