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Newcomer Youth Leadership Development (NYLD) Program

Wecome to Canada!

NYLD offers a safe, supportive, and fun environment where you can meet new people, build new skills and get involved in your new home.

The NYLD Program is offered at 8 locations across the GTA

NYLD is designed to help newcomer youth have a positive settlement experience and become engaged members of the community.
How can I join?
How does it work?
Why should I join?
How can I find out more about all the activities?
Rising to the challenge: How a young newcomer unlocked his leadership potential

Rising to the challenge: How a young newcomer unlocked his leadership potential

Moses, a newcomer from Sri Lanka, found his second home at the Y.

NYLD mentors awarded Ted Rogers Scholarship for outstanding community leadership

NYLD mentors awarded Ted Rogers Scholarship for outstanding community leadership

Thanks to the Ted Rogers Scholarship, Hera and Sharla can continue their […]

NYLD makes a world of difference.

“"It helped me grow so much as a person, and all of the memories I have from the program are so positive and made my experience unforgettable.”

- Samet (Former Youth Intern)

Newcomer Youth Internship (NYI) Program

Are you a current participant or alumni of the NYLD Program? Gain practical work experience and give back to your community through the NYI Program!


  • Strengthen your leadership skills by supporting a youth advisor during NYLD activities
  • Make a difference by developing and facilitating your own community project
  • Build your teamwork skills by working on a group project with other interns
  • Become employment-ready by attending valuable professional development workshops and training sessions
  • Earn a competitive hourly pay rate


Customize Your Internship

Youth interns have the choice to focus on one of the four following streamlines:

  • Outreach and Promotion
  • Program Development and Facilitation
  • Program Evaluation and Reporting
  • Not-for-Profit Administration

If you have questions about the NYI Program, please get in touch with your NYLD youth advisor.

Attention Teachers, Settlement Workers, Youth Workers and Students!

Would you like our staff to deliver a workshop in your class, library or community organization? Our Learn and Lead workshop series for newcomer youth offer a great variety of topics to choose from, including leadership, communication, volunteering, post-secondary education, Canadian culture and more. Check out our flyer (PDF) for more details!




Summer 2022 Cohort Applications Are Now Closed

Thank you for your interest in this position. The Summer 2022 Cohort Applications are now closed. Please check back for more opportunities during our Winter Cohort in January 2023

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