This Pride Month, Give 2SLGBTQIA+ Youth Shelter and a Safe Place to Heal

Support YMCA Sprott House: one of Canada's first transitional housing programs for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth

The Challenge

Teens as young as 16 come to YMCA Sprott House when they have nowhere left to turn.

Forced out of their homes because parents or family members refuse to accept them, many try to go to a shelter, only to face even more discrimination, violence, and abuse. 

  • Up to 40% of unhoused youth in Canada are 2SLGBTQIA+
  • Yet only 21% of youth sleeping in shelters are 2SLGBTQIA+

In other words, shelters can be so unsafe for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth, many would rather take their chances sleeping on the street.

How You Can Help

This Pride Month, you can give 2SLGBTQIA+ youth shelter and a safe space to be their true selves at YMCA Sprott House: one of Canada's first transitional housing programs for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth.

Your gift of just $25 can give a youth who is moving into the House essentials like food, soap and a toothbrush, and transit fare, so they can focus on healing, regaining confidence, and building the skills they need to eventually live on their own.

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YMCA Sprott House

One of the first transitional housing programs in Canada for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth.

Last year, 42 2SLGBTQIA+ youth left shelters, friends’ couches, parks, and other precarious living situations behind and found a safe, welcoming home at Sprott House.

In addition to their very own private bedrooms and bathrooms, Sprott House offers an inclusive community where they can be their authentic selves, wraparound programs, and trained staff to support them as they work towards independent living.

What Makes YMCA Sprott House Special

Community and Belonging


We support youth as they develop their sense of self and their sense of inclusion and belonging in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community by:

  • Focusing on what youth have to offer, not what they're missing.
  • Prioritizing strong social networks, including friends and chosen family.
  • Taking a harm-reduction and trauma-informed approach.
  • Creating an environment where young people can be their true selves.

Wraparound Support Programs


To support them as they develop the confidence and skills they need to eventually live on their own, Sprott House provides wraparound programs like:

  • 1:1 counselling
  • Peer support groups
  • Substance use counselling
  • Education and employment programs
  • Workshops on personal finances, resume writing, and more

You Can Make a Meaningful Impact for Youth Like Emmanuel

Our research shows that, after living at YMCA Sprott House:

  • Youth feel more empowered, socially connected, and safer.
  • Youth described overall improvements in their mental health.
  • Many youth gained employment, or enrolled in school.

Watch to see how Emmanuel thrived at YMCA Sprott House.

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Support Unhoused 2SLGBTQIA+ Youth: Donate Now