Pickering Rosebank YMCA Before and After School Program

Location map


591 Rosebank Road, Pickering, ON L1W 2N6

Programs Available at this Centre

The Pickering Rosebank YMCA Before and After School Program provides high quality, licensed child care for your children in a stimulating environment so they can learn, grow and thrive. Our programs are based upon a curriculum designed to help children reach their full potential and our qualified early childhood educators facilitate play experiences that will help your child develop foundational skills. All our centres have access to outdoor spaces and activities.

Before & After School (4-12 years)

School aged boy in a YMCA Before and After School program

YMCA Before and After School licensed programs will give you peace of mind knowing that your child is being cared for in a welcoming and stimulating environment during off-school hours.

Hours of Operation

Weekdays: 7:00 AM – 8:40 AM, 3:10 PM – 6:00 PM
Weekends: CLOSED

Begin and end each day with the YMCA!

Feel confident that your child’s time outside of school is just as constructive and creative as when they’re in the classroom by inquiring about Before and After School Care program spaces at your local Y.

Kindergarten (ages 4 & 5) and School Age (ages 6 – 12) programs are designed to not only support children’s developmental needs, but also promote independence and strong leadership skills. Our holistic curricula (YMCA Playing to Learn and YMCA A Place to Connect) ensures that kids spend their mornings and afternoons building positive relationships with peers, enjoying nutritious snacks, and engaging in fun indoor and outdoor activities geared toward their unique interests.

Program fees

YMCA Before and After School fees are based on daily rates and are inclusive of all statutory holidays and P.A. Days (see below for exceptions). Fees are reduced during the months of the year when school breaks occur. If you require care during the school breaks programs can be purchased at an extra fee.


ChildCare fee subsidiesRegion of Durham