Healthy LivingY StoriesYMCA Health and Fitness

How Puja pushed past her fitness plateau

21 September 2016 - by YMCA of Greater Toronto
Puja went through the same slump most of us do, where a trip to the gym just doesn’t seem worth it. But Lidia, her personal trainer, not only motivated Puja to get back in shape; she inspired the confidence and body positivity Puja wanted to have for her wedding and for the rest of her life. Here’s Puja’s Y Story:

I used to be really active. I ran marathons, did Pilates 3 times a week, went to the gym regularly, and did a bunch of outdoor activities. I was in really good shape, and felt happy and healthy.

But then I hit this wall, where I just couldn’t get myself motivated. For six whole months, I didn’t work out at all, and even when I thought about getting back into my routine, I didn’t know where to start. I became increasingly unhappy, and knew I had to do something that would make me feel good about myself again.

The final push came when I got engaged. Not only did I want to look my best for the wedding, I wanted to be confident and happy in my body for the long term. I wanted to get back to feeling great all the time, and that desire to be healthy for life was what drove me to get a personal trainer.

From my very first phone call with Lidia, I knew her excitement, motivating tone, and cheerful persona made her the perfect fit for me. The initial assessment she did was a real eye-opener: she tested my strengths, found my weaknesses, and revealed just how out of shape I’d become. Without it, I never would have been able to set the realistic goals I did, or get the customized workout plan I used to accomplish those goals.

Every time she led me through a routine, Lidia made sure I felt comfortable and safe, even though I was in such a vulnerable phase. There was always the option to move to a more private area, if I was feeling insecure. She made it her mission to help me tackle things I’ve never been able to do before: she’d break them down into mini-goals, so I could build up to those tough exercises while feeling like I’m accomplishing something every step of the way. Then she’ll help me set an even bigger goal! The process keeps me on my toes, feeling so inspired and motivated to reach for more.

The best part about having Lidia as my personal trainer is that she’s there for me even when I’m not at the gym. I keep her updated on my diet, the workouts I do by myself, and interesting things I read about health and fitness. Her hugely positive and enthusiastic responses keep me feeling encouraged — like I’m on the right track. She also inspires me to try new things by sharing her own healthy recipes and wellness techniques.

Having a personal trainer has totally changed my outlook on health. I didn’t just learn a bunch of new exercises; now, I’m more aware of what I eat, the way I carry myself through my day-to-day activities, and how to enjoy life instead of being uptight and stressed about everything. I’ve also learned that feeling strong, confident, and healthy is more important to me than looking skinny. I know Lidia is the reason my friends and family are not only telling me how great I look, but also how much more positive, happy, and energetic I am.


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