Leigh Coffey is the manager of summer day camps at the YMCA of Greater Toronto.
The YMCA summer camp team are asked the same five questions every year by nervous parents who are sending their kids off to camp for the first time. Check out my answers below:
What should I pack in my camper's bag?
We are super active at camp so it is important that your camper comes to summer day with a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated, healthy snacks such as fruit, crackers and granola bars, and a lunch to keep them fueled for the day. (Please note: we do not have fridges or microwaves at camp.) Campers should always bring a bathing suit and towel because if it is warm out we might play water games even if we are not scheduled to swim! Sun safety is top priority at camp so please send your camper with a hat and sunscreen. We might get a little dirty painting or playing games on the field so please ensure your camper wears comfy clothing, sturdy sandals with back-straps or close-toed shoes that they can run around and get a little dirty in! Keep an eye out for next week's blog post, which will be all about what to pack when your kids attend overnight camp.
How many kids will be in my camper's group?
Our camper groups are made up for approximately 10 campers and one counselor. A lot of the day is spent in smaller group programming (the one counselor and his/her group) but we do pair up groups for some activities that are more fun with more people, and so your camper will meet more friends! We also like to start and end the day as a camp, with our morning circle and closing circle, which often involves a camp song or camp-wide activity/challenge!
What do campers do on rainy days?
Our staff are extremely creative and ensure campers are having a blast, regardless of the weather. Each of our camps have site-specific rainy day plans and fun, engaging camp activities will continue under shelter or inside if possible. If you wake up to a gloomy morning this summer please send your child to camp with a raincoat or poncho just in case!
How can I contact the Camp Director at my child’s camp?
The Thursday before your camper attends camp, you should receive a YMCA Day Camp Newsletter via email that will provide you with the contact information of the Camp Director on-site at your child’s camp. This newsletter will also include important information about drop-off and pick-up locations, what to bring, and let you know about anything exciting happening at camp that coming week. If you did not receive the email, please contact our Summer Camp Registration team at 647.439.6611 so we can double check the email address we have on file and provide you with that information.
I registered my camper for variety camp all summer, but now they have decided they would like to participate in another program available at their camp location. Is it possible to switch my camper into a different camp program?
Absolutely. As long as that program is not full, we would be happy to switch your registration for a future week! Please call our Summer Camp Registration team at 647.439.6611, Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to process this request.
Have I answered all your questions? If not, contact the camps team at 647.439.6611 or email us at summer.camp@ymcagta.org.
Have a great summer!