YMCA donor & former Chair of the Board of Directors helps re-ignite community spirit

Today, Diane Sinhuber shares why she supports our Strong Start, Great Future Capital Campaign to build new YMCAs across the GTA.
Inspiration to give
“Years ago, I met a 15-year-old girl at a YMCA and she had her baby there with her. She shared that when her parents found out she was pregnant, they kicked her out. She had clearly been in a tough spot. But she found the Y, which had partnered with the Peel School Board so she could get into child care and get her high school diploma. By the time she was done talking, I had tears running down my face.
“It’s those stories that inspire me to give. And I heard so many when I was on the Board. We were focused on bringing YMCAs to more communities. I got to experience first-hand the excitement of groundbreakings and grand openings. I saw the need for community under one roof, where people could get help, whether it’s shelter, or help finding a job — or access to child care, like that girl needed.
“Ys make that kind of community accessible to people, closer to where they live and work. They are such wonderful places to enhance well-being, both mental and physical, by giving people the human contact and connection we all need. I give because I want people to know that kind of community is out there — that they do have a place they can go if they need to talk to somebody, or need help.”
Thanks to donors like Diane, new YMCA Centres of Community will offer safe spaces for neighbours to come together for recreation, exercise, community gatherings, and more. Learn more about the meaningful impact our donors make every day by visiting ymcagta.org/Our-Impact.