YMCA Cedar Glen Outdoor Centre: Greater Toronto's Winter Backyard

Winter is upon us. I know this because as I type this greeting I can see through the windows of the main lodge that a school group of Grade 5s and 6s has arrived and every student is bundled up to the point of being nearly rendered stationary. They waddle like penguins to meet our Outdoor Centre staff. Apparently the ten layers of thermal long-johns they have on under their puffy jackets and snow-pants are designed to keep them warm not to bend their knees.
I will be the first to admit that Winter is my absolute favourite season. It is nice to express this in written form as oppose to in-person where my remark is often met with a laugh, scoff or overly emphasized roll of the eyes that is often followed by a “pfff”noise sounding oddly like air escaping from a tire.
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Regardless I stand by my love of Winter and I know that it isn’t Winter’s fault. Like the healthier campfire treat the “banana boat” is in comparison to the more popular s’more so does Winter play second, third or sometimes fourth fiddle to its more popular seasonal counterparts. I’m here to proclaim there is more fun to be had in Winter than any other season. Particularly at YMCA Cedar Glen Outdoor Centre. Whether it be by perfecting the art of tobogganing, snowshoeing through the Oak Ridges Morraine or letting your imagination sore as you build a snowman Winter is so much fun. I can’t think of any other season where you can wake up to a fresh, blank, canvas of snow in your backyard every morning to create your next adventure in.
So if your backyard just doesn’t give you enough room to roam and it is making you a Winter Eye Roller come visit our 263 acres at YMCA Cedar Glen Outdoor Centre. We are Greater Toronto’s winter backyard!
All the best this Winter Season from the Cedar Glen family to yours.
Brandon McClounie
General Manager
YMCA Cedar Glen Outdoor Centre