By: Laura Konantz
Laura Konantz is a certified YMCA personal trainer, fitness instructor and running coach, and champion long-distance runner.
Whether you're a veteran marathon runner or have just signed up for your first race, it's important to use the winter months to train. The snow and cold may keep you from heading outside, but that doesn't mean you can't run inside! Take a look at my favourite tips for training indoors:
Tips for Winter Training:
1. Build up your endurance with a combination of running indoors and outdoors. Without a solid foundation of at least 3-5 weeks of endurance training, injuries can occur. When running indoors, choose the treadmill or track. They're softer than the sidewalk or asphalt roads.
2. Mix up your workouts to improve your running! Choose a variety of running-oriented exercises to mimic running without the pounding of the pavement. Activities like cycling, rowing, using the elliptical, or participating in a YMCA cardio group fitness class are great alternatives to running. Cross-training is an excellent way to improve overall fitness -- try incorporating at least 2 days of cross-training into your exercise routine every week. Other sports like swimming, yoga, pilates and weightlifting help prevent injuries and strengthen your body in ways that complement your running developed muscles.
3. Listen to your body. Runners are often keen to get started on a program only to find they do too much, too soon – it's very important to take days off and to keep the program fun! Incorporate at least 1 or 2 rest days per week. Whether you are running or doing other sports, rest is important to let your body recover and rejuvenate!
4. Progress slowly. When starting a running program, don’t focus on time. The goal should be to feel relaxed when you run, not to be as speedy as possible. When training for a 10km in the spring, the goal should be to slowly increase your running distances to 6km-8km during the week and 12km for a longer run on the weekend.
5. Use proper running footwear. A lot of people develop problems when they start increasing their running distances due to improper shoes. Visit a running specialty shop like the Running Room – they will analyze your gait and fit you into the right shoes for your feet!
6. Stretch! Stretching increases flexibility, improves running performance and helps prevent injury. Get into the habit of stretching. Going to yoga class regularly will also help.
7. Use food to fuel your body. Good nutrition is a critical element to any training program. Eat a balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins and fats while limiting your sugar intake. Water is also critical – as you exercise more make sure you stay hydrated.
Best of luck with your spring race! Remember, you CAN do this!