Volunteerism is a very important aspect of the YMCA. The Y has over 7,000 volunteers each year - both individual and corporate - that give close to 300,000 hours of their time. Camping and Outdoor Education has been growing its volunteer base over the last couple of years and we have seen great success and continued commitment from our volunteers. With over 110 volunteers giving over 2,400 hours in only 6 months, Cedar Glen is seeing great growth. Our volunteers have done everything from program development and maintenance to newly renovating our hoop hut and maze. With corporate groups Tangerine and Complete Innovations returning for second, third and fourth visits, a placement student in the kitchen and our devoted OE volunteers, we are having our most successful volunteer year yet!
This past October, the YMCA held its annual Volunteer Conference at Toronto Central Grosvenor Street YMCA Centre. Each year, the YMCA invites all of its volunteers to come out and enjoy a free day of workshops, networking and lunch. This year, there were approximately 200 volunteers in attendance. A ceremony kicks off the day and a select number of nominated volunteers receive an award and have their achievements highlighted in front of an auditorium of invited guests.
It fills us with great pride to announce that one of Cedar Glen’s volunteers, Will McKeown - also known as ‘Strider’ to our OE groups - was honored at this ceremony and received the award for Outstanding Achievement in Volunteerism. Will has been volunteering at Cedar Glen for well over a year and although he has recently come on as a staff member, he still continues to volunteer his time. Will takes the initiative to not only improve upon the existing programs at Cedar Glen, but he has also brought in new program ideas. He uses his years of experience in Outdoor Education to support and mentor our OE staff and help them expand their knowledge and improve their facilitation. Will is a beloved member of our Cedar Glen family and we are thrilled that he received this award. Congratulations Will!
If you are interested in volunteering at Cedar Glen please click here.