Summer in the GTA often means extreme heat, which can lead to heat-related illnesses, including:
- heat rash
- fainting
- heat stroke
Do you know how to protect your health in the heat? Read on to discover our Top 5 Heat Myths:
MYTH #1: I'm indoors, so I'm protected from extreme heat.
FACT: You can still suffer from heat illness if you're in a car or a non air-conditioned room during extremely hot weather. Keep hydrated, use fans and open windows to cool down.
MYTH #2: Sunscreen will keep me from suffering from a heat-related illness.
FACT: While sunscreen will protect your skin from sun damage, it won't protect your body from extreme temperatures.
MYTH #3: I'll stay cool if I avoid wearing black in the summer.
FACT: Actually it's often the type of fabric, not the colour of the fabric, that can help prevent over-heating. For example, cotton clothes allow your skin to breathe. Wear layers on the days that you know you'll be out of the house for a while, so that you're able to adapt to temperature changes.
MYTH #4: It's not sunny, so it shouldn't be too hot outside.
FACT: Humidity can still affect you even when the sun isn't shining. Always be prepared for extreme heat during the summer months, regardless of what you see when you look out the window in the morning.
MYTH #5: I just downed a bottle of water, so I'll be hydrated for the rest of the day.
FACT: Drinking a glass of water before leaving the house in the morning is a great idea, but you need to constantly drink fluids throughout the day to remain hydrated in extreme heat.
Read more about staying safe during extreme heat, and protect yourself and your family this summer!