The Y can help you stay active and connected despite COVID-19 restrictions

What’s missing?
If you were a gym-goer, you might be missing the camaraderie that comes with seeing your fellow community members in the conditioning room, or maybe the friendships you built in group fitness classes kept you coming back for more. Perhaps it was the motivational instructor cheering you on as you push through that last set of burpees that helped you exceed your expectations. It may certainly feel like you are now left to your own devices. And for social creatures like us, all this can be demotivating.
The Y can help you get your fitness mojo back

To start, get up and get moving today! You’ll get immediate gratification in the form of endorphins. These feel-good chemicals will prime your mind for another day of working out. The buzz you get after a good workout is a miraculous mood-booster and a wonderful way to get back on the fitness wagon. Think of it like a reward. You really don’t need to overthink it. In fact, start as soon as you’re done reading this blog.
And of course, it’s no secret that exercise boosts your long-term mental health, so make it priority to stick with it for the long haul. Plan your fitness schedule with the Y’s Sweat For Good app. Use our in-app calendar to schedule your next full week of workouts. Studies show that regular physical activity reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety. The standard recommendation for most adults is 150 minutes of moderate- to high-intensity activity per week.
You can split that up into five 30-minute workout sessions, or two hour-long classes and a 30-minute ParticipACTION video (available through the app, too). Keep this in mind as you schedule your week’s workouts.
And did you know that some types of exercises can even help with other conditions, like high blood pressure, diabetes and even chronic pain? By finding new ways to move and stay motivated, you can take charge of your overall health. Focusing on something you can control – like your fitness sessions – can also bring about feelings of empowerment which can feel grounding during times of uncertainty.
Tech is helping us bridge the gap

Our aim, today and always, is to keep you active, healthy and connected. And that’s exactly what we’re doing with our Sweat For Good app.
We are looking ahead to a brighter future when we can be together in person again. Until then, we know that a variety of classes, inspiring instructors and connection to others are all parts of the Y that you can bring right into your home.
If you haven’t already, download our Sweat For Good app. Everyone gets FREE access to the basic membership which includes 4 classes per week, and an accompanying specialty package of accessible and motivating videos from our partnership with ParticipACTION. You’ll have no problem exceeding the minimum recommendation of 150 minutes of moderate- to high-intensity exercise per week, plus we promise you’ll have a lot of fun! And that’s the best way to ensure long-term commitment and success.