YMCA Youth Substance Abuse Program (YSAP) offers a wide variety of options to help youth who want support. We believe education is key – YSAP offer workshops and presentations to give community members more information about substance misuse and the services the Y offers.
YSAP provides both one-to-one and group counseling for youth (ages 14 – 24) who are using or misusing substances. They have six centres across the GTA that program participants can visit, but counsellors also meet individuals in the community and provide transportation (ie. tokens or bus tickets) to break down any barriers youth may have to accessing the program.
The YMCA takes a harm reduction approach to substance use, which is about empowering individuals to make safe choices. Harm reduction covers a large spectrum: everything from abstinence to less usage is a possible solution, depending on where the individual is with his/her substance use.
YSAP counsellors are often asked “why not just tell youth to stop using substances?” In fact, ending substance us is on the harm reduction spectrum, but the Y has found that always recommending abstinence is not realistic. Plus, that approach doesn’t respect an individual’s right to choose what he/she wants. YSAP is about helping empower youth to make their own decisions depending on what they’re ready for and what suits their needs in the present moment.
If you have any questions or want more information about YSAP, please contact one of our centres:
905-793-5970 ext 350 or 308
416-296-9907 ext. 401