In 2012, I made a very big decision: I decided to donate a kidney to my brother. Kidney problems run in my family, and I was the only sibling who was healthy enough to help my brother, so of course I jumped at the chance to improve his quality of life.
I was motivated to joined the Brampton Y in November 2013 to get in shape prior to the surgery, as I wanted to stack all the odds in my favour. That included slimming down a little, building up some strength, and improving my cardio and my energy levels.
On my first day at the Y I met Kyle, who toured me around the facility. I'd like to give Kyle a special shout-out, because he never forgot my name -- he still greets me with a "Hi France!" every time I come to the Y.
I started with a few personal training sessions. My personal trainer created a workout plan for me, which I followed religiously, although I also eventually discovered group fitness classes thanks to senior program director Ivan. Group fitness, and YMCA Arriba especially, became my new addiction. I love group fitness because it combines exercise with fun and friendship; what a package deal! In just a few months, I made lifelong friendships with my YMCA group fitness classmates and instructors.
By the time my surgery rolled around in February, I had amassed a whole community of supporters. Not only did I receive calls and well-wishes from fellow YMCA members and staff while I was away from the Y, my new friends also offered all kinds of assistance, including cooking for me while I was on the mend.
I have since fully recovered from my surgery, and I'm back to hanging out at the YMCA five days a week. I am also proud to say that my brother's body accepted my kidney, and he has also fully regained his health.
What I really want to emphasize is just how much the YMCA becomes not only your gym, but also your home away from home. I am now part of a tight-knit community of people who genuinely care about each other, and who push one another to succeed.
I'd like to end my blog post with something my yoga instructor Harjit said that has stuck with me for months now: health and fitness is about more than just feeling good in your body. It's also about nourishing your mind and your spirit. Harjit taught me to become more aware of maintaining a positive state of mind, which I believe was a critical part of my successful recovery.
I invite all of you to register to be an organ donor, and wish you the best of luck in achieving your own healthy spirit, mind and body. Remember, this selfless act can drastically improve an individual's quality of life.