YMCA F.I.T. instructor Sarah Daly suggests working out with a friend.
Daly says exercising with a buddy means you not only have to make a commitment to yourself, but also to another person. A friend can help motivate you to get to the gym in the first place, and once there, can assist with two-person exercises and cheer you on during your workout.
Exercising with a friend has even been scientifically proven to be beneficial – especially if you choose the right workout buddy. A 2012 study from Kansas State University found that you exert more effort when you’re engaged in a physical activity with someone you perceive to be more fit than you.
Here are some activities that are more fun when done with a friend:
1. Dance Class
Take a dance class with a buddy and giggle while you try to master the moves. The Y offers dance-based fitness classes such as Arriba that are perfect to attend with a friend.

2. Bootcamps
Bootcamp workouts can be grueling, but if you go with a buddy you can help keep each other motivated to finish the class, and perhaps treat yourself to a coffee and a chat afterwards.

3. Weight Training
Weight training with a friend is not just best for your workout -- it's also best for your safety. Having a "spotter" with you while you lift weights can help you push a little more than you could on your own, while making sure you're staying in the proper form.