On Wednesday August 13th, Dundas Square was looking a little greener than usual. This green oasis in the heart of downtown is attributed to BMO Urban Picnic event that supports Kids Help Phone – Canada’s leading free, anonymous and confidential professional youth counseling service. We can thank BMO for a great event where many people got to go on free Ferris wheel rides and enjoy tasty ice cream and BBQ.
Planning events while keeping in mind opportunities to reuse material is always a bonus in our eyes. That’s why we want to send a big thanks to BMO for donating their reusable sod to the YMCA of Greater Toronto. We will use the sod for at our YMCA Cedar Glen Outdoor Center, which will help green the space around the newly constructed swimming pool. This is a great example of how organizations can work together to help support the environment. The YMCA Cedar Glen Outdoor Center is situated on 263 acres of country side in the Oak Ridges Moraine and the Ontario Green Belt. Our participants will appreciate the soft grass to lie on during those hot summer months!