Seventeen-year-old Cori Browne’s favourite part of Teen Night at Toronto Central Grosvenor St. YMCA Centre is playing basketball with the boys.
“Girls and boys can play together as equals here, which is something we don’t always do at school,” said Cori, who is also a Teen Council member. “I also like exercise and meeting new people, and I feel like Teen Nights is the best way to do both of those things.”
Teen Nights has been operating every Friday or Saturday at all eight of the YMCA GTA’s Centres of Community since April 2011. Developed by teens for teens, Teen Nights give youth free access to play sports, swim, dance, and participate in many other physical activities that support teens’ growth into healthy and confident young adults equipped for success.
“Teen Nights provide holistic programming for teens,“ said Central YMCA program director Katie Lowe. “It’s a safe place for them to go where they’re engaged in meaningful activity.”
Teen Nights have quickly become a popular weekend hangout for youth in the GTA. The Central YMCA, for instance, opens its doors to 100 to 150 teens every Saturday night.
“It’s a positive alternative to what some of these guys would be doing otherwise,” said Teen Night regular Dillon Ferguson, 17.
Teen Nights are led by a teen council made up of youth from across the GTA.
“Teen Night Council is the brains behind what happens every week,” said Shaun Miller, a youth advisor at Central YMCA. “They’re the leaders – staff simply supports their leadership.”
Cori is in charge of Girls’ Nights from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Saturdays, which has been gaining popularity lately.
“More girls have been coming to Teen Nights recently, since we introduced more specialty fitness and dance classes into the schedule,” said Cori. “Now we sometimes offer yoga classes, dance classes and girls-only gym time, which has brought more girls into the Y.”
You can learn more about Teen Nights here.