Practice makes perfect: Toronto youth take the stage at third annual Rep Your Region Talent Showcase

This blog post has been written by June Findlay, a YMCA Exchanges staff member and Rep Your Region committee member.
“To perform you need practice, to practice you need passion.” ― Amit Kalantri
If practice makes perfect, then Toronto certainly must possess a plethora of perfectly talented youth. This month, the YMCA hosted the Rep Your Region Talent Showcase, which sees youth from 11-29 demonstrate their talents in the performing arts. These rising stars first competed in their respective regions in the Greater Toronto Area (Durham, Peel, North York, York, Central Toronto, and Etobicoke) in July, and the winners of those regional events competed in the RYR finale, which took place on September 5 to a packed house of friends, family and community supporters.
The 13 singers, dancers, spoken word artists and musicians were judged by Tristen West a former performer and musician working in Creative Services in the corporate world, Nakstar, a singer/songwriter, and Inspector Russ Bellman, a veteran of the York Regional Police.
The performers brought an array of talent to the stage. Some used technology to complement their talent, while others simply paired their voice with a guitar. We also witnessed ballet and interpretive dancing, but in the end it was 28-year old singer Saphire (with a soaring opera-style rendition of Lady Gaga’s “Applause") who won the competition, with 25-year old spoken word artist Alyestal Hamilton coming in at second place.
Thanks to a region-wide committee of YMCA staff, numerous volunteers from the Newcomer Youth Leadership Program, those who attended the show (and contributed to the successful silent auction), community sponsors, the judges and the talent themselves, we’d say that the third annual Rep Your Region Talent Showcase was a run-away success. If you’re thinking that you’ve got what it takes to win next year’s show (or know someone who does), keep practicing your craft—you just might be crowned the 2015 RYR champion!