Nominations now open for the 2013 YMCA Peace Medallion Awards

Nominate them for a Peace Medallion!
Taking place in YMCAs across Canada every November, YMCA Peace Week is an opportunity to join people of all ages in activities focused on exploring peace from a local and global perspective. As part of this celebration, the YMCA of Greater Toronto awards Peace Medallions to individuals and groups who consider the health of the entire planet and take action in their own communities by championing a cause, inspiring people to get involved, creating positive change and making our communities peaceful places to live.
Peace Medallion recipients can be artists, environmentalists, activists, parents, students, community groups and so on. But the thing they all have in common is that they passionately contribute their time and talent to making local and global communities more peaceful places to live.
Nominations close on October 15th, so fill out an application today!
How do I nominate someone in my community?
1. Fill out an online application.
2. You can either click "Send" to submit your application electronically, or print a copy of the form and either drop off or mail to Shayna Szymkowicz at YMCA of Greater Toronto, 2200 Yonge Street, Suite 300, Toronto, ON M4S 2C6.
Last year's winners include:

In June 2011, on-duty Constable Garrett spotted a van driving dangerously and stopped the vehicle. He approached the driver’s side window and found a number of youths inside, including the 15-year-old driver. Constable Styles was questioning the driver when the vehicle accelerated. He was dragged approximately 400 meters before the vehicle lost control and rolled over, pinning him. Even as he lay injured, he was concerned for the occupants of the vehicle and informed dispatch that there were several youths inside and he was unsure of their condition. Tragically, Constable Styles succumbed to his injuries.

At 13, Divya initiated the first Markham chapter of Pencils for Kids (P4K) and over the last three years has secured the donation of more than 2,000 workbooks that were shipped to Niger. She has also collected more than $4,000 in cash donations. She also founded a P4K club in her school with more than 120 active members raising funds and awareness. Divya sets up P4K booths at community events and in malls and visits many elementary schools to educate kids about the issue of illiteracy in Africa and encourage them to be socially responsible and help underprivileged children.

Hailing from diverse backgrounds and cultures, the council develops and implements a variety of activities to address community challenges, including integration of newcomers, living with poverty, access to post-secondary education and the need for youth leadership opportunities. Initiatives include the annual Urban Flair youth talent showcase, refurbishment of the local tennis court, neighbourhood walking tours as part of the Jane’s Walk program, a youth scholarship program, and a March Break camp for youth to tour universities, colleges and businesses to explore career possibilities.