Sept. 2014 -- As your kids finish up their first month of the school year, take a moment to read the story of a very inspirational graduate of our YMCA Academy.
The YMCA Academy in Toronto celebrated another successful year with a graduation ceremony this week, and we sat down with 2014 graduate Clayton Dimech to reflect on his time at the Academy.
Y: Hi Clayton, congratulations on graduating high school! How long have you been a student at the Academy?
Clayton: Thanks! I came to YMCA Academy three years ago after a friend recommended the school to my mom. I was being bullied at my last school for having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and it was really starting to negatively impact my education. I was always a good student, but my grades started slipping and I stopped going to school. All that changed when I came to the Academy though.
Y: What do you mean by that? How was the YMCA Academy different from your old school?
Clayton: By the end of my first week at the Academy, it felt like home. I fit in right away and I quickly made friends who I'm still close with. Basically, I started having fun at school again. My grades also raised back up to what they were before the bullying started, because school was enjoyable for me again. I actually looked forward to coming to the Academy every day.
Y: What is your favourite memory from your time at YMCA Academy?
Clayton: The coolest thing I did at the Academy was my exchange trip to a Native reserve in Northern Quebec in Grade 10. I learned a lot about their culture and traditions, and I made some amazing friends who I'm still in touch with today. The experience was a bit of a culture shock, both for me and for the students who came to Toronto, but I had a great time. (Learn more about YMCA youth exchanges at ymcaexchanges.org.)
Y: That sounds like fun! What other opportunities has the Academy provided you with?
Clayton: The school set me up with an awesome co-op opportunity with a carpentry company. The company ended up hiring me, so now I've got a sweet summer job to look forward to before I head off to college.
Y: Congrats on the summer job, we know those are hard to find these days! Did you say you're going to college?
Clayton: Yes! I'll be attending George Brown this fall to learn about construction technology. I had a lot of colleges to choose from because I was accepted at all seven programs that I applied to, but George Brown was the best fit for me.
Y: That's amazing, good luck with college, and have an amazing summer!
Clayton: Thanks!
The YMCA Academy is an alternative high school for students with learning disabilities and learning style differences. Learn more at www.ymcaacademy.org.