Despite the rainy weather, this year’s Live Green Toronto Festival was a total hit! This was Toronto’s largest outdoor celebration of all things green. The festival had a little of everything: music, food, shopping and community activities galore. If you were there with us, you, like many others, might have been attracted to our booth. This year we put on display our organization, our values, our work, and our environmental initiatives. Many of our visitors were drawn to our booth by the chance to win a prize! It was simple: spin the wheel, answer a question about the environment, and take home a free week-long pass to the YMCA, on us.
Kids naturally gravitated toward our booth; they loved playing the game. Whenever a kid spun we asked them either to tell us about what they thought to be most interesting about our natural environment, or what their favourite animal was and why. We got some fantastic responses, here are some of my favourites:
“Honey….bees, they put the pollen in their mouths and then spit it out in their beehives”
“Clouds because it looks like you can jump on them, but you would fall through it”
“ Cats, because they’re cute and have a tail”
“Dolphins, because they’re soft”
“Plants, because they give us oxygen”
“I like to watch plants grow, you can learn a lot from watching”
“Dragon…. I mean tiger!”
I was genuinely impressed with their answers. Looks as though we have a future of passionate environmentalists ahead of us!