Hi, my name is Isabelle. I'm nine years old, and I've been a YMCA camper for five years. I'm going to walk you through my morning at March Break Camp, so you parents can get a sense of what happens once you drop your kids off at the Y!
9:15: Camp counsellor Khamil started off the morning by getting us to sing a 'repeat after me' song. He taught us how to sing as if we were underwater! Ask your kids to show you how when they get home today.
9:30: Next our counsellors gathered all of the campers together and asked us to organize ourselves from youngest to oldest without speaking. We had to use our hands to communicate our ages to each other. My counsellor told me that this game helps build our communication skills.
9:50: We eventually divided into our different camp teams. The nine- to 12-year-olds filed into the gym for the next couple of hours. We started off with a game of shark attack, during which the 'shark' tries to catch us as we run from one end of the gym to the other.
Once we're caught we have to sit on the floor and pretend to be squids.
10:05: Then it was time for some dodgeball. Don't worry mom and dads, balls to the head aren't allowed!
10:30: After dodgeball our group couldn't decide between basketball and tag, so our counsellors decided to run both games! I chose to play tag.
I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek into my day at YMCA March Break camp! If you want more information about Y camps, I suggest you check out the Y's website: www.ymcagta.org.
Happy March Break!