Cooking with kids at any age can be fun and easy! If your kids get cooking now, chances are they will keep up this good habit as they grow older.
Cooking with 2-3 year olds
Very young children like to explore with their senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing and tasting. They also like to do things on their own. Try letting your kids:
- Wash fruits and vegetables in the sink
- Add items to dishes (like chopped tofu to a casserole)
- Smell food, herbs and spices you are using
- Help find ingredients in the fridge or cupboard
- Put paper cups into muffin tins
Keep in mind, some kids may be happy to watch you cook and talk about what you are doing. An empty pot on the floor with a spoon keeps their hands busy. Be sure to ask lots of questions about what they are making that smells so good!
Cooking with 3-4 year olds
At this age, children may be more interested in talking than eating! Either way, cooking keeps them interested in food. Try letting your kids:
- Remove eggshells from hard-boiled eggs
- Pour from a small pitcher or measuring cup
- Make a simple sandwich or pizza with pre-assembled ingredients
- Describe the colour, taste and shape of food
- Mash sweet potatoes, turnips, carrots or bananas
Cooking with 4-6 year olds
At this age, some kids may show signs of being a picky eater. While the food they prepare might not make it to their fork, try to be patient knowing that cooking is helping them warm up to the idea of trying new foods. Try letting your kids:
- Assemble foods: make trail mix or their own yogurt smoothie with toppings you've prepared
- Stir ingredients together (like muffins, pancakes, sauces)
- Slice soft-cooked vegetables, soft fruit, cheese or tofu with a plastic knife
- Crack and beat an egg
- Cook with a friend for a fun play date
Cooking with 6-8 year olds
At this age, kids can follow simple steps for recipes and are able to share and take turns. Try letting your kids:
- Use simple kitchen equipment such as a grater, toaster, blender or can opener after you show them how to do so safely
- Make simple cold spring rolls or tortilla wraps
- Toss salad ingredients together with salad dressing
- Invent a fruit salad or smoothie recipe
- Write a list of healthy snacks they like to eat
- Write out a grocery list
- Make a simple breakfast: whole grain cereal with milk or canned fruit over yogurt
Cooking with 8-11 year olds
Kids at this age are more coordinated and able to understand how to use appliances safely. Try letting your kids:
- Use a knife with easy-to-cut foods (cooked meats, cheese, tofu, breads)
- Use the microwave with your help
- Make their own school lunch
- Make a fresh fruit platter to go with dinner
- Use the stove, with supervision, to make basic recipes: omelets, pancakes, quesadillas, soups or grilled cheese
- Decide what is needed to balance out a meal so it has food from each food group
This article is being used with permission from EatRight Ontario. EatRight Ontario provides free nutrition advice from Registered Dietitians. Ontarians can get answers to healthy eating questions at 1-877-510-510-2 or by email at www.eatrightontario. Dietitians of Canada acknowledges the financial support of EatRight Ontario by the Ontario Government.