Follow along and try them out at home with your kids!
Cinnamon Play-Dough
- Cinnamon
- Vanilla
- Flour
- Lukewarm water
- Salt
- Oil
1. Mix one or two cups of flour (depending on how many children are going to play with it) with:
- 4 spoonfuls of oil
- 4 spoonfuls of salt
- one spoonful of pure vanilla extract
- one handful of ground cinnamon
- lukewarm water

2. Mix until it has the same consistency as cookie dough.
3. Roll the mixture into a ball, and place it on a table covered in flour.

4. Have your kids roll the ball in the flour. (Tip: You can also add extra cinnamon to make the play-dough a deeper shade of brown.)
*Extra craft idea: Use cookie cutters to create shapes out of the play-dough that can be baked and turned into ornaments!
3D Winter Scene
- Shoe box
- Construction paper
- Multicolour clay
- Scissors
- Glue
- Glitter
- Cotton
- Broken twigs
- Clear fishing string
Just craft only requires one step: use your imagination! Talk to your kids about what they think makes up a "winter scene," then use your your materials to help them bring it to life!

*Note: Try to facilitate and incorporate all of the children’s ideas -- the point of this craft is to stimulate their imagination.