Seasonal changes provide great learning opportunities for children. There are so many fall crafts/activities to do with young children – especially if you need to pass the time on a rainy afternoon! Here are some of our favourites that are both fun and beneficial for your little ones' early development:
Get your wind out!
- Paint
- Straws
- Paper
- Kids!
- Have the children pick some colours and put blobs of paint on their paper. Give the children a straw and have them blow the paint all over the paper in different directions (Caution: don’t let them suck up the paint - it won’t taste that great!).
- Pour some paint on a tray, a paper plate or some old yogurt containers and have the kids use their finger tips to add leaves to their tree.
- Let the masterpiece dry and put it on display for everyone to see!
Learning outcomes:
- Creative expression
- Fine motor skills (holding the straw, finger painting)
- Brainstorming and discussion about how trees look and the different colours of leaves
Fall Nature Art
- Something to collect items (a bucket, a plastic bag or a bowl)
- Contact paper (clear plastic paper that is sticky one side)
- String, yarn, a cut up old t-shirt
- Go on a nature walk - get outside and discover your neighbourhood! Collect things together that you can carry home, like leaves, acorns and twigs. Make sure you collect at least four twigs – these will be used to make the frame for your art.
- Once you get home, arrange twigs to make a square or triangle. Use your yarn to secure the twigs together. Make sure that you leave some extra yarn on the ends so that you can hang your master piece when it’s completed.
- Put your frame on top of the sticky side of the contact paper. Arrange all your nature findings inside your frame; be creative by lining them up, overlapping them or making a scene.
- Once the masterpiece is finished, trim off any extra contact paper and hang your frame for everyone to see – these look great hanging in a window with the natural light filtering through.
Learning outcomes:
- Physical activity
- Creative expression
- Science discovery and discussion: This craft can be tailored for children at all ages. With a younger child, you may go on a nature walk and talk about the colours of the changing leaves. With an older child, however, you may talk about why the leaves are changing colours; what is happening in our environment that makes the leaves change or fall off? You can also take the learning one extra step by visiting your local library! Be creative and have fun
Pumpkin Goop
- Pumpkin (from a local farm or grocery store)
- Sharp knife (for adult use)
- Spoon
- Bowl
- Permanent markers or paint
- Cut a circle around the pumpkin stem and pull it off. Have your child take a look inside the pumpkin and discuss what you both see. Roll up your sleeves and start digging out all the seeds and goop – don’t be afraid to get messy! Play with the goop for a fun sensory activity.
- Create an identity for your pumpkin, including a name! Have fun drawing a face or a scene onto your pumpkin. You can then either carve it out or just colour it all in.
- Put your pumpkin out for everyone to see. Don’t forget to introduce your new friend to everyone that visits!
Learning outcomes:
- Creative expression
- Dramatic play (naming your friend)
- Science discovery and discussion
Happy crafting!
This post was written by YMCA Child Care staff.