By Adam Lariviere, YMCA Skills Instructor/Chef
Serves 4
- 1/2 Large watermelon
- 1 English cucumber
- 1/2 Lemon (juiced)
- 10 leafs Fresh mint
- 2 tbsp Honey (optional)
- 1 cup Sparkling water
- Cut the rind of the watermelon away with a knife so that only the pink flesh remains.
- Using a melon baller, scoop one ball of watermelon for each glass that is to be served and set them aside for garnish.
- Cut the remaining watermelon into 1” cubes.
- Make one 1/4” thick circular slice of cucumber for each glass to be served and set them aside for garnish.
- Cut the remaining cucumber into 1” cubes.
- Wash the mint and set aside one leaf to garnish each glass that is to be served.
- Purée the cubes of watermelon and cucumber with the honey, lemon juice, and remaining mint using a blender or food processor.
- Once puréed, pass the cucumber-watermelon juice through a strainer to remove any pulp.
To serve:
- Fill each glass about 3/4 full with the cucumber-watermelon juice.
- Top-off each glass with a splash (about 1/4 cup) of sparkling water.
To garnish:
- Make a small cut half-way through each melon ball so they will fit on the rim of each serving glass.
- Make a radial cut in each cucumber slice so they will fit on the rim of each serving glass.
- Place one cucumber slice and one melon ball close together on the rim of each glass.
- Put one mint leaf between the melon ball and cucumber slice, and squeeze them together to hold the mint leaf in place.