The early teen years can be a challenging time. Faced with increasing pressure at school and with friends, teens often find themselves at odds with their families too - at the time where teens need support most.
Strengthening Families for Parents and Youth (SFPY) is a nine-week skill-building program for families with teens 12 to 16 years old. SFPY is about helping teens and their parents (or caregivers) learn to listen to each other, communicate better, and develop trust and mutual respect. The program covers topics about communication, praise, anger and stress and other things that affect the relationship between teens and their parents.
The YMCA of Greater Toronto is hosting its first Strengthening Families for Parents and Youth program this fall at the Vanauley Street YMCA located at 7 Vanauley Street, Toronto (Queen St. West and Spadina Avenue). Participation is free.
Each week’s session has three parts. The first hour is spent eating a healthy family meal with the other families. During the second hour, parents and teens take part separate skill-building sessions. Teen sessions include games and discussions that are set up to give teens the chance to voice opinions and share their concerns. Parent sessions are structured around similar themes. In the last hour, families come together for a joint parent-teen session that allows parents and teens to engage in activities on an equal footing and to participate in thoughtful dialogue on difficult topics.
Parents will come to understand their teenager better, discover fresh ways of approaching old problems and learn effective ways of communicating. Teens will build resilience that will support good decision making and mental health. Families will learn how to work together to solve problems and negotiate families’ rules.
To learn more or to register for the program, please contact Andrea at azeelie@parentactionondrugs.org or Mike at mike.dodds@ymcagta.org.