How can we best prepare our children for a positive transition? Here are a few tips from the Ministry of Education:
- Bring your child to registration. Let them be a part of the process from the beginning.
- Visit the school and ask for a tour. Your school may host a 'welcome to Kindergarten' or 'meet the teacher' opportunities before school starts.
- Read more about starting kindergarten. We recommend ‘The Night Before Kindergarten,’ by Natasha Wing and ‘The Kissing Hand,’ by Audrey Penn.
- Give your child opportunities to interact with other kids. Teach them share and take turns.
- You won't be there at recess to zip up your child's coat, so remember to teach them to dress themselves for the outdoors.
- Teach the importance of listening, including looking at who is talking, not interrupting, and thinking about what is being said.
- Include learning in your child's everyday home life by incorporating reading and word and counting games into playtime.
- Give your child every opportunity to exercise and develop muscles by running, climbing, playing with a ball, etc. Smaller hand muscles can be strengthened with Play-Dough®, pencils and crayons.
- Figure out priorities for after-school activities, homework, chores, TV time, and video games before the first day of school, and create a weeknight routine that you can stick to.
- About a week before school starts, begin putting your child to bed at a time appropriate for a school night. Also test out your school morning routine so you know how much 'getting ready' time you'll need on the big day.
- Choose school clothes and shoes that are comfortable and durable, and make sure your kid has outdoor clothing for all types of weather.
- Give your child the confidence to ask questions in all situations. Let them know that it's okay to ask their teacher for clarification.
Visit the Ministry of Education's abc123 page for more tips and information about Ontario's kindergarten curriculum.