We all remember Oshawa Mary St. YMCA Centre member Michelle Parker's incredible story, which we featured in this blog last fall. Michelle was able to beat depression and stick to a healthy living routine that led to an impressive 100-lb weight loss, which is thanks in large part to her teenage daughter Rebecca (Becca for short). Being a healthy role model wasn't always easy, but Becca stuck by her mom's side, bringing her to the gym every day.
We talked to Becca about her job as a healthy role model for her mother, and how she worked to pass along good health:
Y: Hi Becca, thanks for taking the time to chat! Have you always been into fitness and exercising? What first got you excited about fitness and exercise?
B: No problem! I was always a very active child. I started playing soccer when at six years old. I played soccer for 10 years, then switched to trampoline and gymnastics, which I did for five years. I now have my Personal Trainer Specialist and Fitness Instructor Specialist certification through canfitpro.
Y: What helped you decide to help your mom get fit?
B: I decided to help my mom get fit when I noticed that she wasn’t able to keep up with me and my little brother. Noah and I have been active all of our lives and my mom missed out on a lot of our fun.
Y: How did you keep her motivated to stick to her new fitness routine?
B: I kept her motivated by reminding her why she was losing the weight -- to be able to participate in all the fun things my brother and I love to do.
Y: What was YOUR motivation to keep up with your fitness routine?
B: I've made so many friends at the Y! Building amazing relationships with the staff, volunteers and other members is what keeps me coming back every evening.
Y: How has this experience changed you?
B: Exercising has really helped me cope with some anxiety issues I dealt with in the past. I have gained more self esteem and I feel like I finally found a place where I fit in.
Y: How has your mother changed over the last year and a half?
B: Other than losing 100 lbs, my mom is now physically able to do all the things she couldn’t do 18 months ago. She has competed in events like Tough Mudder, and has participated in 5-km runs. I've also noticed that she has become a much happier person.
Y: How has your own physical fitness improved since beginning this journey?
B: I have lost 25 lbs since I started this fitness journey. I am now able to do many things that I never thought were possible. I’m a much happier person now that I incorporate fitness into my daily routine.