Healthy KidsYMCA Child Care

4 tips for a seamless back to school transition

30 August 2016 - by Cheryl - YMCA Child Care
After a long summer break, getting back into school mode can be a challenge. As the days of sleeping in and playing outside come to an end, it’s time to figure out how your family will manage the busy days of school, studying, sports practices, extracurricular activities, and more.

Here are some of the best tips and tricks for a seamless back to school transition:

  1. Make a family calendar

Regardless of what grade your kids are in, you will want to start the school year organized. Create a family calendar — with PD days, school holidays, and family events and appointments pencilled in — and hang it where everyone can see. Knowing where you have to be and when will make it easier to plan around your family’s schedule over the next ten months.

  1. Start adjusting their sleep schedule now

 You don’t need to wait until the night before the first day of school to try and get your kids in their school time routine. Gradually adjusting their bedtime now will make your morning routine easier, and working toward waking up at the same time as you would on a school day ensures they’ll be alert and ready for fun on the first day of school.

  1. Focus on a love of learning

While the summer should be a time to relax and have fun, you should also focus on finding fun and engaging learning opportunities leading up to the first day of school. Even simple activities, like reading or using technology to learn something new, can do the trick. When you foster a love of learning in your children, it will be easier for them to transition into the school mindset and set them up for a successful school year.

  1. Write little “love notes”

Heading back to school can be stressful for many kids, because it means leaving you behind. While most kids will adjust to this after a few days or weeks, you can ease the transition by sneaking little notes in their lunch box, folder, or backpack. This can help them feel closer to you, and not knowing when and where they will be when they get your message is a fun way to add some excitement to their day.

Each family’s back to school routine will look different, so you need to find ways that work best for you. Take a look at where your child may need the most attention and do what you can to get them excited for the upcoming school year.


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