About Us
“From start to end, I was well supported and felt confident travelling with a large group of students, as I knew I had the support from the Regional Coordinator.”
– Group leader
About the YEC Team
We have staff working across Canada to support the groups participating in YEC.
Our Regional Coordinators are your first contact for questions and concerns. Our team also includes a Senior General Manager, National Manager, National Program Coordinator, and an Administrative Liaison who works with the Regional Coordinators.
Contact information for staff can be found here.
Contact Us:
Toll Free: 1-877-639-9987

National Office
National Program Manager: Erin Gorman
Administrative Liaison: Kamini Sonnadara
Regional Offices
British Columbia
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, Nunavut & Northwest Territories
Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & Newfoundland and Labrador